Presentamos las colecciones de Superman relacionadas por meses con la presentación de algunas de sus portadas. Dentro de cada equipo creativo, como siempre, el primer nombre corresponde al guionista y el sigiuente al dibujante a lápiz y a continaución el entintador. Arriba puedes ver las portadas del mes de enero de la que la del número 2 correspondiente a The Adventures of Superman 598, lleva un 6 en el triángulo de orden siendo que debería de poner un dos. Se ve claramente la relación entre las portadas dos y tres formando la imagen de Clark Kent cambiando a Superman.
Superman #176 Jeph Loeb, Ian Churchill, Norm Rapmund
The Adventures of Superman #598 Joe Casey, Mike Wieringo y Mauricet, Jose Marzan Jr.
Superman - The Man of Steel #120 Mark Schultz, Yvel Guichet, Dexter Vines
Superman in Action Comics #785 Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau, Marlo Alquiza
Joker: Last Laugh #6 [de 6] Chuck Dixon y Scott Beatty, Rick Burchett, Mark Lipka y Dan Davis
Superman/Tarzan: Sons of the Jungle #1 [de 3] [Elseworlds] Chuck Dixon, Carlos Meglia, Carlos Meglia
Superman #177 Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness y Kevin Maguire, Cam Smith
The Adventures of Superman #599 Joe Casey, Derec Aucoin, Derec Aucoin
Superman - The Man of Steel #121 Geoff Johns, Todd Nauck, Lary Stucker
Superman in Action Comics #786 Joe Kelly, Pascual Ferry, Scott Hanna
Secret Files & Origins Guide to the DC Universe 2001-2002 #1 Varios
The Adventures of Superman #600 Joe Casey, Mike Wieringo, Jose Marzan Jr
Superman #178 Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Cam Smith
Superman - The Man of Steel #122 Mark Schultz, Darryl Banks, Kevin Conrad
Superman in Action Comics #787 Jikei Ketsuki: Mercy, Love and Blood (Parte Uno) Joe Kelly, Pascual Ferry, Scott Hanna
Superman/Tarzan: Sons of the Jungle #2 [de 3] [Elseworlds] Chuck Dixon, Carlos Meglia, Carlos Meglia
Superman #179 Jeph Loeb y Geoff Johns, Ariel Olivetti, Ariel Olivetti
The Adventures of Superman #601 Cult of Persuasion. Part One: Joe Casey, Pete Woods, Jose Marzan Jr
Superman - The Man of Steel #123 Gangs of Metropolis (Parte 1) Mark Schultz, Yvel Guichet, Dexter Vines
Superman in Action Comics #788 Jikei Ketsuki: Mercy, Love, y Blood (Parte Dos) Joe Kelly, Pascual Ferry, Scott Hanna
Superman #180 Jeph Loeb y Geoff Johns, Ian Churchill, Norm Rapmund
The Adventures of Superman #602 Cult of Persuasion: Parte Dos Joe Casey, Pete Woods, Jose Marzan Jr
Superman - The Man of Steel #124 Gangs of Metropolis (Parte 2) Mark Schultz; Josh Hood; Marlo Alquiza, yy Lanning, Walden Wong
Superman in Action Comics #789 Man & Beast (Parte 1 de 2) Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau, Marlo Alquiza
Batman #27Devin Grayson, Roger Robinson, John Floyd
Superman #181 Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Cam Smith
Adventures of Superman #603 Mirror, Mirror - Parte 1 de 3 Joe Casey, Carlos Meglia, Carlos Meglia
Green Lantern #149 Judd Winick, Dale Eaglesham, Rodney Ramos
Superman - The Man of Steel #125 Gangs of Metropolis (Parte 3 de 3) Mark Schultz, Yvel Guichet, Dexter Vines y Sean Parsons
Superman in Action Comics #790 Man & Beast (Parte 2 de 2) Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau y Keron Grant, Marlo Alquiza
Superman #182 The Secret (Parte 1 de 3) Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Cam Smith
The Adventures of Superman #604 Mirror, Mirror (Parte 2 de 3) Joe Casey; Carlos Meglia, Sanford Greene, Paco Herrera; Carlos Meglia, Walden Wong, Carlos Cuevas
Superman - The Man of Steel #126 Pantheon (Parte 1) Mark Schultz, Yvel Guichet y Kevin Sharpe, Dexter Vines y Walden Wong
Superman in Action Comics #791 Benjamin Raab, Derec Aucoin, Derec Aucoin
DC First: Superman/Lobo #1 Keith Giffen, Cliff Rathburn, Rob Leigh
DC First: Flash/Superman #1 Geoff Johns, Rick Burchett, Prentis Rollins
Superman/Aliens II: Godwar #1 [de 4] Chuck Dixon, Jon Bogdanove, Kevin Nowlan
Superman/Tarzan: Sons of the Jungle #3 [de 3] [Elseworlds] Chuck Dixon, Carlos Meglia, Carlos Meglia
Superman #183 The Secret (Parte 2 de 3) Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Cam Smith
The Adventures of Superman #605 Mirror, Mirror - Parte 3 de 3 Joe Casey, Carlos Meglia, Carlos Meglia
Superman - The Man of Steel #127 Pantheon (Parte 2) Mark Schultz, Yvel Guichet, Walden Wong
Superman in Action Comics #792 Joe Kelly, Pascual Ferry, Mark Morales
Superman #184 Geoff Johns, Pascual Ferry, Cam Smith (Artículo y portadas de Septiembre)
The Adventures of Superman #606 Joe Casey, Duncan Rouleau, Marlo Alquiza
Superman - The Man of Steel #128 Mark Schultz, Karl Herschl, Karl Herschl
Superman in Action Comics #793 Joe Kelly, Pascual Ferry, Cam Smith
Superman #185 Geoff Johns, Brent Yerson, Ray Snyder
The Adventures of Superman #607 Jay Faerber, Bryon Badeaux, Mark Morales
Superman - The Man of Steel #129 Chuck Austen, Pascal Alixe, Pascal Alixe
Superman in Action Comics #794 Chuck Kim, Kano, Kano
Lab Rats #5 By John Byrne
Superman/Aliens II: Godwar #2 [de 4] Chuck Dixon, Jon Bogdanove, Kevin Nowlan
Superman #186 Geoff Johns, Pascual Ferry, Cam Smith
The Adventures of Superman #608 Joe Casey, Derec Aucoin, Derec Aucoin
Superman - The Man of Steel #130 Mark Schultz, Bryon Badeaux, Mark Morales
Superman in Action Comics #795 Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau, Marlo Alquiza
Superman #187 Geoff Johns, Pascual Ferry, Mark Farmer
The Adventures of Superman #609 Joe Casey, Derec Aucoin
Superman - The Man of Steel #131 Mark Schultz, Bryon Badeaux, Mark Morales
Superman in Action Comics #796 Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau, Marlo Alquiza
Supergirl #75 Peter David, Ed Benes, Alex Lei
Superman/Aliens II: Godwar #3 [of 4] Chuck Dixon, Jon Bogdanove, Kevin Nowlan
Superman . Savage Dragon Erik Larsen, Al Gordon, Reuben Rude
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DISCLAIMER: Superman and all related elements are the property of DC COMICS.
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Esta página está dedicada a mi esposa Dolors Cabrera Guillén, fallecida por cáncer el día 12 de marzo de 2007 a las 18.50 y por seguir su última voluntad, ya que conociéndome, antes de morir, me hizo prometerle que no abandonaría la realización de mis páginas web.
Homenaje a Dolors Cabrera Guillén
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Mariano bayona Estradera 2007 / 2011 ....
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